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The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange Schoo, by Kim Newton cover image

The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange Schoo, by Kim Newton
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Publisher: Titan Books
Published: 2015
Review Posted: 1/10/2016
Reviewer Rating:
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10

The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange Schoo, by Kim Newton

Book Review by Amber Massey

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Drearcliff Grange is a boarding school unlike any other. It consists of girls who have unusual abilities. Amy's mother ships her off to Drearcliff after she found sleeping on the ceiling. Amy makes fast friends with her roommates and founds The Month Club; a crime fighting gang that rescues Kali, a friend and roommate of Amy, and saves the school from the brainwashing tyrant, Rayne. 

Newman creates a world in which some girls can fly and others can see into an alternate universe called the Purple. As the plot line develops, unlikely friendships are made. Although Newman writes a tale of putting aside small difference and working together, her plot line takes some minor detours. These detours give insight into the minds of characters other than Amy. However, these detours are lengthy and unnecessary for the plot. At the start of the book,

Newman's characters use various slang phrases but as the book ends, these slang phrases are hardly used. I'm not sure if this is an accidental change in style or done on purpose to illustrate the maturity of the girls. Newman's plot line had potential but it wasn't as developed as I hoped it would be.  Overall I liked the book enough to finish it, but I don't feel the need to read the next book in the series or recommend it to an avid reader.
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