Your Ad on SFReader

SFReader currently accepts banner advertising for run-of-site in the right hand column, header and footer. Ads are displayed newest first at the bottom of the right hand column.

Ad format:

Right Column Banner Specifics

File Type: jpg, jpeg, png, or gif
Width: 200 pixels
Height: up to 400 pixels Header Banner Specifics

File Type: jpg, jpeg, png, or gif
Width: up to 250 pixels
Height: up to 70 pixels Footer Banner Specifics

File Type: jpg, jpeg, png, or gif
Width: up to 768 pixels
Height: up to 90 pixels

If you have an ad you'd like to run that doesn't meet the above specifications, contact me at webmaster AT sfreader DOT com and we'll see if we can work something out.

Ad Cost:

$25 per month or approximately 30 calendar days (example: 1 March - 30 March, or 15 September - 15 October)

Ad Payment

I'll send a PayPal email for payment to be sent to. Invoices are available upon request.

Other Advertising

If you have an idea for an ad you'd like to run, contact me at webmaster AT sfreader DOT com and we'll see if we can make it work.