SELECT * FROM uv_BookReviewRollup WHERE recordnum = 1388 The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan Book Review |

The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan cover image

The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan
Genre: Horror
Published: 2009
Review Posted: 10/25/2009
Reviewer Rating:
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10

The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan

Book Review by David L. Felts

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I still read, although not nearly at the rate I used to. Instead of one - two books a week, I'm probably down to about a one-two a month. It's become hard for me to get engrossed on a book. Even when I do read, I often find myself skimming instead of really immersing myself. I think my attention span has become a victim of technology, responsive only to the sound-bite information delivery method of the web. Over the last few years it's become hard for me to focus my attention on one thing for any length of time.

I always seem to find myself facing multiple things that need to be done. Work on one thing, bounce to the next, back to the first, then to the third... and the Internet hasn't helped. Sure, we all surf, but how much to we really read? Click the link, scan the headlines, maybe delve a bit deeper they grab us. But how often to you really get immersed in the story? And how heavy is your sigh when you see the dreaded list of pages at the bottom of the article and it shows more than one?

This inability to focus has bled over into books and movies too. It's not too long before I find myself getting restless and looking for something to divert my attention. I start scanning the words, picking out the good parts, involuntarily denying myself the pleasure of being deeply engaged.

But what does that have to do with The Field at the Edge of the Woods? Maybe nothing. Or maybe something. You see, TFatEotW is a graphic novel, delivering its story in little chunks of dialog and images. It's faced-paced, full of action, and short. I start reading it, the delivery method keeps my attention, and I finish it without breaking to do something else. Pretty rare these days.

The story: Gary is an old man who wakes up in a mysterious and menacing wood. And he is not alone. When the denizens of the wood come for him, he flees, barely making it to the edge of the wood where he comes across a hooded rider wielding a scythe. After saving him for the beasties, the hooded rider discovers Gary's former occupation was that of a producer for film and TV. Well, it just so happens that the hooded rider has a script.... and that's where the real story starts.

We have a theft, a battle, and the introduction of the main characters, some bad, some good, and some undetermined. Something big is afoot, and TFatEotW ends with the players assembled and an unknown mission awaiting, upon which hangs "the very fabric of the world". All this is delivered in energetic black line drawings that complement the tale. Pop culture references and irreverent humor add to the mix. You can learn more about TFatEotW and read an excerpt at

This is part one of four. I'm curious to read the rest. Part one did its job and hooked me and now I have to wait for the other three to come out. Guess I'll go scan some headlines.....

The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan on Amazon

The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan on Amazon

The Field on the Edge of the Woods, by Mke Weber, Loran Skinkis, G. Morgan cover pic
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