SELECT * FROM uv_BookReviewRollup WHERE recordnum = 1439 The Frenzy War, by Gregory Lamberson Book Review |

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The Frenzy War, by Gregory Lamberson
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Medallion Press
Published: 2012
Review Posted: 5/30/2013
Reviewer Rating:
Reader Rating: Not Rated

The Frenzy War, by Gregory Lamberson

Book Review by David Hodge

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It's the second in their Frenzy series, or Frenzy Wolves series, after The Frenzy Way. So we have another werewolf novel, a sequel at that. And it's set in modern New York again. The wrinkle is that the werewolves are the goodgize! Well, mostly. There was that rogue that our human hero, Tony Mace, killed two years ago, and a dissident werewolf faction led by the current pack leader's brother. We're not sure about them yet.

But they have rules, including Don't eat humans and Don't tell humans about werewolves. Peaceful werewolves that only want to survive.

The badgize are the Brotherhood of Torquemada, led by a rogue priest from the Vatican. With a name like that, we know that trouble is coming, and of course it does. The Torquemadans' first victim (of the current round) is a nice kid who works in a bookstore! Only the badgize are upset that he's also a werewolf. The badgize cut off his head with a Blade of Salvation (ooo!), and kidnap and torture his lady love.

The Torquemadans swing those Blades some more, and fire a few rocket propelled grenades, which gets the NYPD very upset. They bring Tony Mace back from exile in a K9 unit, where he was put after mentioning werewolves in an official report, and give him a task force and a lot of latitude. Also upset are the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security.

The Feds graciously let the NYPD continue working the case as long as they turn over any evidence and perps, alive or dead. "You bash the Balrog, and I'll climb a tree!" [Song by Lee Gold] An unexpected (or not) alliance, a few explosions, shootouts and gallons of blood later, the priest is led off by the feds to a very unpleasant time and doubtful future. The werewolves will be Watched.

The Pentagon is not overtly mentioned, though the CIA is, so *maybe* we'll be spared the Evil Government Conspiracy that thinks lycanthropy would be a great weapon. Or did I just spill the beans on the next book?

Lamberson is also the author of the Jake Helman Files, which begin with Personal Demons, of Johnny Gruesome, and several cult horror films.
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