SELECT * FROM uv_BookReviewRollup WHERE recordnum = 1501 The Guardian of the Gate, by Richard Blackburn Book Review |

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The Guardian of the Gate, by Richard Blackburn
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Lachesis Publishing
Published: 2009
Review Posted: 6/26/2013
Reviewer Rating:
Reader Rating: Not Rated

The Guardian of the Gate, by Richard Blackburn

Book Review by Phillip A. Ellis

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When Jenny visits Stonehenge, the chance combination of ancient Druidic magic and being in the wrong time and place catapults her back to the Fourteenth Century. Not only does she have to try and survive there, she must also find her way back home, at the same time as dealing with an evil and ambitious son of the local lord, a ruthless neighbor, and the evil magician who works behind the scenes.

The Guardian of the Gate is the first novel of Australian author Richard Blackburn. It had previously appeared in Australia, under a related title, and it has been revised and tightened for this Canadian edition. As a result, the book is leaner, and the narrative flows smoothly and quickly.

The protagonist, Jenny, is a believably competent and ethical character. She has a strong sense of values tempered with humanity and compassion, and while she faces dangers that threaten her with death and danger, her choices and actions read consistently with her moral and ethical compass. That said, Blackburn does not use her to preach to us, but, rather, to explore her character, and the results of her choices in the context of a radically different set of beliefs and behaviors.

Although The Guardian of the Gate may initially appeal only to young girls -- it is, after all, a novel aimed at young adult readers -- it can be enjoyed by readers of both sexes and from younger readers to adults. It would be a shame for it to receive a limited audience, as it is an engaging work that entertains on a number of levels, and it is a book that encourages and rewards repeated readings.

The Guardian of the Gate would make an ideal present for readers of fantasy, and while a sequel has been published in Australia, and while Blackburn is writing a third book, it works quite well as a stand alone novel. I recommend giving The Guardian of the Gate the chance that it deserves.
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