Genre: Fantasy Anthology
Publisher: Dark Quest
Published: 2014
Reviewer Rating:
Reviewer: David L. Felts
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Consigned to the Sea, by Danielle Ackley-McPhail, is a short fantasy anthology containing four short stories and a poem, all involving some aspect related to the sea, be that pirates, mermaids, selkies, or the sea itself.
Throw in dragons, spell casters, magic runes, and shape-shifting sea creatures and you have some fun reading,
Consigned to the Sea offers 4 short stories and a poem:
- In the Runes: The last dragon, Cameril, seeks to recover a rune from pirates.
- To Reach for Distant Shores: a selkie longs to learn about the work above her “sky” and the strange creatures who live there.
- Consigned to the Sea: a woman prisoner of Captain Darian Gow struggles to save her daughter and herself.
- Sweet Liam Roanes: a poem
- By Silent Spell Caught: The conclusion of the adventure Cameril began in In the Runes.
All of the stories were good reads, and the poem short enough for me to get through as well. I liked the character of Cameril and the backstory hints Ackley-McOail dropped left me hungry to know more about her and her world.
Overall this is a fun, albeit very short, collection, well-worth a read.