The Raping of Ava DeSantis, by Mylo Carbia

The Raping of Ava DeSantis, by Mylo Carbia book coverGenre: Horror
Publisher: Rockefeller Publishing Group
Published: 2015
Reviewer Rating: three stars
Reviewer: Michael D. Griffiths

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The Raping of Ava DeSantis, by Mylo Carbia, is a horror novel set in contemporary times. There is not a drop of supernatural in this one. It could be labeled thriller, as easy as horror, if it were not for a few scenes of brutal torture. The mood is dark, with little faith in mankind, and few characters being anything close to decent.

The plot quickly turns disturbing when Ava is raped by three frat boys after they enter a drug induced frenzy. They behave in a very sick and gruesome manner, doing such things as cutting off her nipples and making her infertile due to all the abuse she receives. Later, the excessively rich parents of one of the boys bribes Ava and her family into keeping the horrid rape quiet.

Years pass, but after Ava receives her last payment, she begins to hunt down the three men and enact a brutal revenge of her own. Two of the men are finished in a quick, but horrific manner, while Wesley, the son of the rich parents who paid her off, gets sucked into her web as she chips away, slowly destroying everything he holds dear, including his mind.

This is also an erotic novel with a few sex scenes, although most are deranged. The novel flows well and although the idea of revenge has been played out in thousands of novels, Carbia finds some fresh ideas.

Carbia calls herself the Queen of Horror, which I think is a bit premature. Firstly, you are using a tag line of Stephen King’s, whose last name is King, so it is more of a play on words as much as him being the biggest horror author in our time. Perhaps wait until you have more than one book out to make that claim.

I think she has a lot to learn about horror. Two of the men died in terrible ways, but besides the last ten minutes, they were not abused at all. Part of horror is the suspense, the dread of knowing something is coming. Yes, torture sucks, but if anything, they got off with just ten minutes of hell instead of atmospheric fear leading to the discovery of the hidden menace.

Ava also has sex with Wesley, which seemed odd after everything. Sure, she used the recording of it to abuse someone later, but I don’t think I’d want to pleasure a person who had abused me so.

Overall a good first stab at the horror field and an inventive twist on a well-used theme. Sexy too, if you can get past the general trauma. It reads easy as well. Might be a good summer vacation novel for horror fans.

Skinjumpers, by Michael F. Griffiths

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