Hyperpowers, edited by James Bascomb

Hyperpowers, edited by James Bascomb book coverGenre: Science Ficion Anthology
Publisher: Third Flatiron
Published: 2016
Reviewer Rating: four stars
Book Review by David L. Felts

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Hyperpowers, edited by James Bascomb, is the 16th volume in the Third Flatiron series of anthologies. Over the last few years, Third Flatiron has published a series of themed anthologies, some of which have contained stories which put in an appearance on the Nebula reading list, so they generally make for an enjoyable read.

The theme of this one is military fiction and is no exception.

Bascomb presents 16 stories, all dealing with some aspect of military adventure; space battles, alien encounters, ground wars and so forth. The stories tend to be short, and the majority of the authors do an admirable job delivering something fun in such an abbreviated packed. A few lodged more firmly in my memory than others.

“Grid Drop”, the lead off story by William Huggins, was a one such, mainly because of the editorial statement is makes regarding environmental destruction. Celeste is part of a military strike team that enforces anti-technology laws on a polluted world to give it time to recover.

“Dirt Moon”, by Dan Koboldt, is more of a science horror story as a team of soldiers struggles against an unknown and powerful enemy while they wait for rescue.
“Child of Soss”, by Brandon L. Summers was a touching tale about the genesis of compassion.

There were 13 others, but these are the main ones that stuck with me. This is not to say the rest weren’t as good–they were all enjoyable reads.


Grid Drop, by William Huggins
Between Two Heartbeats, by Jonathan Shipley
Dirt Moon, by Dan Koboldt
The Silicates, by John M. Campbell
Dreaming Empire, by Mark Rookyard
Symphony in First Contact, Hostile, by Sam Bellotto Jr.
Duck and Cover, by Erik B. Scott
Outer Patrol, by E. J. Shumak
Child of Soss, by Brandon L. Summers
The Mytilenian Delay, by Neil James Hudson
Kill the Coffee Boilers!, by Robert Walton
Alien Dreams, by K. S. Dearsley
Yesterday’s Weapon, by Noel Ayers
Claim Jumpers, by Elliotte Rusty Harold
Pre-emptive Survivors, by Martin Clark
I’ve Got the Horse Right Here. . . , by Art Lasky

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