Dead Space: Salvage, by Christopher Shy

Dead Space Salvage by Christopher Shy book coverGenre: Horror
Publisher: Titan
Published: 2013
Reviewer Rating: three and a half stars
Reviewer: Michael D. Griffiths

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Dead Space: Salvage is the second graphic novel in the Dead Space series. Titan Books has taken the Dead Space video game and created an impressive journey into this horrific world. The artwork nails you to a wall and creates a deep helpless feeling as one turns the pages and experiences the horror building to a deadly climax of blood, bones, and death.

In this novel, the crew of a space ship hope to gain some serious cash by salvaging a craft floating in deep space. If they knew what waited for them they would have turned around and light speed would be a hundred times to slow to get them away fast enough.

The character development is good and you feel for the heroes who end up facing the giant monsters made from dead flesh. Again, the novel become one where, once they realize their peril, the crew seeks to escape a place of certain death. There is a feeling of hopelessness within these pages as if, like death itself, in the end there is no way to avoid your final fate.

The artwork is very intense and inspired, but the dialog is even harder to read here. I found myself skipping some of it and just focusing on the gory art. No bubbles were used, just letters over the artwork, which made it very difficult for me to follow. Also, the plot, although different from the first novel, repeats much of the flow of Dead Space one.

As long as your eyesight is good, I would recommend this book to all lovers of horror art and the fans of Dead Space.

Michael D. Griffiths

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