Genre: Star Trek
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Published: 2003
Reviewer Rating:
Book Review by Fraser Ronald
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Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Unity is not a bad book. It’s not really a good book either. It is enjoyable and was a satisfactory way to pass my time, but it didn’t stay long with me and I really didn’t take anything away from it. You know those episodes of the ST series that aren’t bad enough to make you discuss their failings at length but also aren’t good enough to make you gush over them whenever mentioned? You know those episodes you watched, enjoyed but when someone brings them up in conversation you have a hard time remembering them or details about them? That’s what this novel is like.
The story includes most of the characters from the DS9 TV series, introduces some new characters and even brings back Ro Laren to do her part. The characters from the TV series acted in a manner consistent with what I remember from the program. The new characters brought their own problems and angst which, luckily, did not overwhelm the plot threads devoted to the characters from the TV program. In a nutshell, a threat from the Federations past has returned, and a link with the Trill symbionts is discovered.
I can’t really go on at length about the plot because–in all honesty–I don’t remember all that much about it. It is the same with much of the book. That is not to say I was unsatisfied with my experience. The book is entertaining, the characters–while perhaps not as fully realized as I would have liked–are not stereotypes, nor–for the most part–do their actions seem dictated by the plot. The story moved forward organically, the impetus being the actions of the characters rather than the needs of the plot.
All in all, I really have very little to say about the book. I do not dislike it enough to launch into a long harangue about its faults, but at the same time it did not make a strong enough impression on me for me to gush forth praise. Were I to be asked for a quick statement on the worth of the book, I would say that it is good enough to read. This is the kind of book you can read while on the bus or subway, commuting to work. It won’t engross you enough to make you miss your stop, but it will make the trip pass quickly.